Emeralds, one of the most enigmatic precious stones and the preferred ones to accompany jewelry.
Its color and beauty are not the only things that make it attractive, but also the properties and meaning it has make it one of the most desired stones.
That is why in this article we will talk about emeralds and everything that lies behind this precious stone.
Why are emeralds considered precious stones?
It is no secret that emeralds are one of the most well-known natural stones and are used in jewelry, but what are they made of?
These gemstones are composed of a mineral called beryl and contain a high level of the element chromium, which gives them their characteristic intense green color.
These natural stones are usually transparent, however, there is a wide range of them that have darker inserts.
It should be noted that the more transparent the stone, the higher its price will be.
Emeralds are considered precious stones , just like diamonds, sapphires and rubies, because they are stones that stand out for their durability, scarcity and beauty.
What gives it its characteristic color?
Its intense and characteristic color is due to the combination of three elements: chromium, iron and vanadium.
When we talk about natural stones, we must take into account that the color and intensity will depend on the location from which it was extracted. Colombian emeralds tend to be a warmer and more intense green.
Plus, since we're talking about natural stones, they're all completely different and unique! This custom jewel was made with natural emerald from Colombia. AAA quality.
Spiritual meaning of emeralds
If you were looking for a natural stone with great spiritual power, emeralds should definitely be part of your jewelry box.
They are considered an amulet for those who wear them, which is why they are one of the favorites in jewelry.
Among the benefits it is said to have is that it protects us from external damage, and it also has the ability to heal whoever uses it.
On the other hand, emeralds are a symbol of power, immortality and eternal youth.
In ancient times, it was believed to have the power to fill the lives of those who used it with virtues and to offer eloquence in speech. It was also believed to grant the user the power to see the future.
Brief history of this precious stone
The history of this precious gem begins in Egypt, some 330 years before Christ. It is said that Cleopatra encouraged the exploitation of these mines, which over time were called “Cleopatra's Mines”.
It is said that the queen loved this stone, so she used it in large quantities. Likewise, for the Egyptian civilization, emeralds were considered a symbol of patriotism, immortality and reasoning. Custom design in 18k gold and emerald
Colombian emeralds
The history of this natural stone is related to the discovery of America and its subsequent presence in the world.
And it was in the 16th century, when the Spanish arrived in Peru, that they encountered the Incas and their gold and emerald ornaments of excellent quality.
Upon seeing these raids, the Spanish subjected the tribes to various punishments so that they would reveal the location of the emerald mines.
However, these emeralds were obtained through barter or exchange with other tribes, which is why they could not tell them the location of these deposits.
In 1537, the Spanish obtained the first indications of emerald deposits and began to explore the mines of the Muzo indigenous group.
After 20 years of fighting and almost exterminating this indigenous tribe, the Spanish managed to find the deposits by chance and tried to carry out the first mining works. But this was not possible due to the constant attacks of the Muzos.
Later, in the 1600s, the Spanish managed to discover these deposits and exploited these lands for 15 years. However, production decreased due to the different working conditions.
Today, the most important emerald extraction deposits are located in Colombia, making it the main producer and exporter of high-quality emeralds worldwide.
Colombian emeralds are considered to be the best quality specimens, due to the brilliance and transparency of the stones.
Emeralds are valued based on their cut, color, clarity and size. It should be noted that this classification is very similar to that of diamonds.
According to the National Mining Agency ( ANM ) of Colombia, 1,038 valid mining titles for this mineral were registered in the territory and 486 applications are in process.
“Colombia is the third Latin American country to have a mineral resources and reserves code in accordance with the Committee on International Mineral Reserves Reporting Standards (CRIRSCO), promoting the implementation of good practices in social, environmental, and mining safety matters in the country.” – ANM
On the other hand, in 2021 in Colombia, the Colombian Emerald Good Practices Guide was created with the aim of guiding exploration work, resource estimation, and mineral reserves for mining owners and professionals in the sector.
If you would like a jewel with this precious stone, do not hesitate to write to us to make it a reality. 1:1 Service
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