Joyas artesanales y sostenibles, hechas por maestros orfebres en Perú.

Ways to be more sustainable

Is it possible to achieve a sustainable lifestyle, reduce your expenses and save more money? Of course it is!

There is no doubt that money plays a fundamental role in our daily lives and many believe that focusing on sustainability can generate more expenses than necessary, but this is not entirely true.

One of the paradigms or misconceptions that needs to be put to rest is that being ecological is exclusive to the privileged, instead of thinking that all people who are aware of the impact they generate on the environment can include it in their daily lives.

Investing time and making small changes to your lifestyle to be more sustainable not only has a positive impact on the environment, but can help you reduce your costs.

How to save more and live a more sustainable life?

We share with you these small changes that you can easily and quickly incorporate into your daily life, and above all, that can help you spend less and take care of our planet.

1. Use public transport or a more sustainable means

Believe it or not, taking the bus or subway can save you a lot of money. Buying a car is a huge investment, since it involves not only paying for the vehicle, but also insurance, maintenance, paperwork, fuel, and more.

And why not go cycling ? If the hustle and bustle of public transport or waiting is not your thing, perhaps this is the best option for you. Plus, it's more environmentally friendly and good for your health.

2. Give second-hand items a chance

Fashion is circular and vintage is the new trend! Buying used clothes, furniture and household items will help you save more and take care of the planet.

Sustainable fashion is a great option for you if you want to save or earn money. It is all about reusing and generating the least amount of waste, and what better way to do it than by using second-hand items?

Nowadays, there are different apps and websites that allow you to exchange, buy and/or sell almost any product. And we cannot leave physical second-hand stores behind.

Remember, maybe that blouse you no longer like could be someone else's new favorite item. Best of all, there will be less waste and you'll earn some extra money.

3. Don't get carried away by marketing techniques

Before buying any product, ask yourself, do I really need it? Living a life that is as minimalist as possible can be achieved by being aware and questioning whether the product being offered to us is as urgent as we are led to believe.

Marketing sells us the idea that we need to buy all the merchandise, especially when it comes to discounts. But nothing could be further from the truth.

Most of the clothes, shoes and accessories we buy on sale end up abandoned or in the trash. This is because when they are cheaper, we buy products that we had not planned on and that we generally do not need.

But not only that, we often spend more money believing that we are saving by buying on sale and we do not analyze that it has all been a strategy to consume more.

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4.Going shopping at the market? Don't forget your bag!

One of the saving methods that will help you is to always carry a jute, cloth or cotton bag with you.

The amount of money you can save by not carrying plastic bags or paper bags is significant if you want to reduce your expenses, you also reduce the amount of waste and production that has a direct impact on the environment.

This article may also interest you: 8 tips for a more sustainable and ecological home It's worth it!

5. Choose to buy local products

The sustainable economy works in favour of the circular and local economy . Always prefer items that are made or produced in your area and that are close to your home.

By choosing local businesses you not only save money, but you also promote work in your community.

On the other hand, companies that have a sustainable approach promote fair, well-paid work, better quality products and a lower environmental impact.

Have you ever thought about how much the environment is polluted when importing or the working conditions under which the products we buy online were made?

6. Take your water bottle everywhere and use tap water

Investing in a single bottle that will last a long time is preferable to buying water in plastic bottles every time you go out.

By drinking from the tap you will save a lot of money and generate less plastic waste. Have you thought about how much you spend every time you buy bottled water when you are out and about?

7. Avoid impulse purchases

Have you just gotten that promotion, that job, or would you like to reward yourself for an achievement? It's best to avoid making impulse purchases, going out for drinks, or eating at a fancy restaurant.

You may get carried away by the excitement and the moment of “happiness,” but you may regret it later.

The best thing to do is to reward yourself with a walk around the place you like the most, spend time with your loved ones or make a delicious dinner with what you have at home. This way you will avoid cutting costs and you will not go over your budget.

8. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are your best option

More freshness, more abundance and less cost! Your best option without a doubt is seasonal fruits and vegetables , because they tend to be cheaper because they are more abundant and grown nearby.

Here are some reasons to eat seasonal foods:

  • Promotes local trade and sustainable economic growth of the country
  • It is more sustainable, because it avoids the CO2 emissions that come with importing.
  • Respect the natural cycle of food production

Techniques to achieve total savings and your economic sustainability

It is possible to save money and not die trying. However, you must be organized, determine your capital and be aware when making purchases.

Once you have planned your income and expenses for the month, you can apply these two methods to save more money.

1.Save with the infallible technique

With this technique you will be able to distribute your income in a better way, dividing it into 3 parts. These parts consist of:

  • 50%: This will correspond to everything related to basic needs such as: rent, bills, debts, food, among others.
  • 30%: This percentage will be used for your leisure activities, such as: eating at a restaurant, going out with your friends, buying a book, among others.
  • 20%: And the last percentage will be used for investment, it can be for a future project. You can also use it as emergency savings.

2. Do you really need it? Find out with the sustainable 30-day technique

This method consists of waiting at least 30 days before making a purchase that is not necessary or is not on your priority list. After this period, reevaluate whether you still need or want that product.

Now that you know all these techniques, do you still believe that it is not possible to be sustainable and save at the same time? We hope that you put them into practice in your daily life and manage to save while contributing to the planet .

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